Announcement Handling of video submissions + multicam compilations


Staff member
First I like to thank everyone that has helped getting this place going by submitting videos to shows and more.
It is much appreciated and I encourage you all to continue with that.

I do feel however that the show discussions threads quickly gets filled with posts that only has links to videos that are much easier to find at the Show Info field at the top anyway.
So I am going to start remove those posts after I've added them to Media Links from now on. Will also go back and remove old posts that already are added.

Wish I had a way to credit people for their submissions.
Will try to keep track of it manually for now and when time permits add some system for it in the database.

Hope you understand my reasoning and don't get alarmed when your posts gets removed.
It is not that I don't appreciate the help, on the contrary. I think it's cool that people want to help out.

One thing to think about though. Please give it a quick check if a video you have found is already added to the Media Links or not.
No point of posting videos if they already exists. Those posts will just be removed.

Added 2024-08-16
Regarding multicam compilations and similar. I'm actually not sure if I should add them to the media links or not.
So for the moment feel free to post them in the thread dedicated to the show.

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Harry S Back
Its still okay to post links of different Youtubers on the same song if it hasn't been listed in the media links, correct?
Its still okay to post links of different Youtubers on the same song if it hasn't been listed in the media links, correct?

Different versions of the same song / show is perfectly fine.
That has been the goal from the beginning. Collecting different versions. Even from the same performance.

Just a check if it is the same URL is all I ask for basically.

I also try to avoid duplicates from YouTubers that reposts others videos. But those are obviously harder to notice.
It is not the end of the world either if someone miss something. :)

While I'm at it... shorter clips and not complete songs is a bit of a judgment call.
Sometimes I add them. Sometimes not. It usual depends on if a complete version already exists or not.
Lately I've skipped them more often than not since there has been so many videos anyway.
Harry S Back
Awesome. Yeah I get that the duplicates Youtubers reposts of other original videos is hard to spot.
je comprend aussi il faut que des titres ne soit pas en doublons mais quand il y a beaucoup de gens qui filme cela est difficile a reperer c'est pour sa quand france j'obtier les accord prealable avec les chaines de tv je fait partie du groupe lagardiere pour les prochain spectacle de tw je metrait les live complet comme je le fesait avant coordialement Thierry